Launch of Handbook on Universal Jurisdiction: Holding the Taliban Accountable for International Crimes

Melbourne, 19 September 2024 - At the recent launch of the "Handbook on Universal Jurisdiction: Holding the Taliban Accountable for International Crimes", key figures from the legal, diplomatic, and academic spheres gathered to discuss the critical importance of pursuing justice for crimes committed in Afghanistan.
The event, held in collaboration with Monash Law, saw a range of distinguished speakers, including the Hon. Justice Lesley Taylor of the Victorian Court of Appeal, His Excellency Ambassador Wahidullah Waissi, Ambassador of I. R. of Afghanistan, and several experts such as Dr. Niamatullah Ibrahimi, Ahmad Shuja Jamal, Sareta Ashraph, and Dr. Melinda Rankin.
In his keynote remarks, Ambassador Waissi discussed about the importance of Universal jurisdiction as a powerful legal principle tool. He added "Universal Jurisdiction allows states to prosecute individuals for serious international crimes, such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, regardless of where these crimes were committed, the nationality of the perpetrator, or the victim." He continued "this principle holds particular importance for Afghanistan, where the rule of law has been systematically dismantled by the Taliban’s return to power in August 2021. With no possibility of accountability within Afghanistan under Taliban rule, UJ offers a critical path forward. It empowers other nations to act when justice is otherwise inaccessible."
Ambassador remarked, “t is essential for the international community to step forward and use every available tool—whether through Universal Jurisdiction, UN treaty bodies, or regional diplomacy—to hold the Taliban accountable. The stakes are too high to remain passive.” He also thanked the organisers—Azadah Raz Mohammad, Karin Frodé, ofHam Diley Campaign and Monash Law—for their dedication in producing this timely resource, which will serve as a crucial tool for professionals and diaspora groups seeking justice on the international stage.
The handbook provides valuable guidance on how to leverage universal jurisdiction to hold the Taliban accountable for international crimes, underscoring its significance in the broader global justice movement.
To access full remarks of Ambassador Waissi, click here.
Last modified on Wednesday, 25/09/2024